If you are new to Lean, you may have heard many things about it, many are true, but some are just misconceptions. But at it's very core, what is the real objective of Lean?
The most popular notion about Lean is driving waste out of operation. You may have been part of a corporate effort to implement 5S in your workplace, cleaning your desk, organizing things, and throwing out anything that has no use in your work.
On a more 'strategic' aspect, they say Lean is about cutting cost and getting maximum profit. This is true of course. Lean toolbox offers a wide array of solutions that will make your processes better, faster, and cheaper to operate. Unfortunately, one of the misconceptions about Lean is that some people will inevitable be laid off due to the sudden increase in productivity. But true Lean, as practiced in Toyota, aims to make everyone productive through cross-training, thus when a function or department has excess human capital, they will be retrained and relocated to other functions where they can fit in.
But what really is the objective of Lean? Lean, at its core, is about DELIVERING VALUE TO THE CUSTOMER. The primary question you need to answer for every task is "Is my customer willing to pay for this product and process?" . With this question in mind, it is a no-brainier to you now that rework, defective products, slow response, and delayed deliveries are unacceptable to your customer at the selling price and the level of services you are offering.
All the activities and benefits coming from Lean initiatives are just secondary.